She has an off-beat personality and tastes that run quite differently from everybody else's. Of Kazuto's harem, she can be considered "the weird one" who loves to throw in a bit of chaos just for her own amusement or to make a point. However, unlike Kouchuu, she is usually straightforward and blunt, lacking much sense of shame. Like Kouchuu, her rage is cold and calm but at the same time terrifying and even creepy. While she rarely loses her temper, she turns dangerous if someone were to touch her menma and alcohol without permission. Character Personality In the VN she is shown to be calm and collected with a playful, sometimes flirtatious, air around her. Before she could say too much, Chou'un ties her up and locks her in the gym storage shed no one seems to notice her missing, not even Riri. In the first OVA, Chou'un (as Kachou Kamen) appears for the swimming event, but Kouchuu, who is acting as the judge, begins to comment on the similarities between Chou'un and Kachou Kamen. She tries to recruit Chou sisters into joining her at the end of Shin Koihime†Musou but gets ignored, despite making a dramatic entrance and delivering a grand speech. Like in the VN, she also assumes the identity of a hero of justice named Kachou Kamen by wearing a butterfly mask. The second person to join the group, she loves to tease Kan'u and others frequently and seems to relish whenever she gets up close with them.

Shin Koihime † Musou -Kakumei- Souten no Haou Son Go no Kechimyaku Ryuuki no Taibou Anime version Chou'un is a mysterious girl who first appears serving under Kousonsan. She becomes pregnant with Kazuto's child. Go Route Moeshouden Shin Koihime † Eiyuutan After Kousonsan fell to En Forces, she joins Shoku faction. She appears again during the anti- Toutaku campaign serving under Kousonsan.

Shin Koihime†Musou Shoku Route Gi Route In the Gi route, she saves Kazuto from the three bandits and leaves shortly before Sousou's army arrives. She states that she will be traveling the continents for a while to see the world with her own eyes however she promises to join him if she fails to find a better master. She officially joins him alongside Kouchuu after the battle with Enshou. After defeating the Yellow Turbans, Chou'un meets Kazuto and immediately takes a liking to him. At this moment, as planned by Koumei, Kan'u intervenes and the two back-to-back slaughters their way out of the enemy mob. On the battlefield, Chou'un manages to deal massive casualties among the Yellow Turbans but eventually encounters trouble. So despite the danger of being annihilated, Kazuto is set on rescuing her should she get in danger. Although Kousonsan chides her foolishness, Kazuto, from his knowledge of the Three Kingdoms, realizes that Chou'un is a powerful warrior who would become a valuable comrade. In her debut, she ventures out, against Kousonsan's objections, and takes on an entire army of Yellow Turbans alone. Koihime†Musou In Koihime†Musou she made her initial appearance as an ancillary general, fighting with Kousonsan against the Yellow Turbans.